Primary Benefits Of Electric Shavers

electric shaverWhile guys typically look forward to their shaving routine, some simply want to make the process as convenient and efficient as possible.

Whether you have the time and patience or not, there are a lot of different benefits associated with using electric shavers.

Before we jump into the main list which is referenced from a website with the top electronic shaver reviews, let’s look at this from an “environmental” side of things, considering this is a vegan blog. Electric shavers are much more environmentally friendly than disposable razor blades.

Think of how many blades are used per year per person. That waste is eliminated with electric shavers. 

Benefits Of Using Electric Shavers:

1. Time.

As noted above, one of the primary benefits that you are going to be able to get from using these kinds of electric shavers is the ability to save a significant amount of time. After all, that is the main reason they were invented in the first place. Because you simply need to turn the razor on, you are not going to have to deal with water, shaving cream, or dealing with changing blades.

2. Better For Sensitive Skin.

If you are someone that has sensitive skin, you are likely going to want to invest in an electric razor. The Braun Series 7 is a recommended option. While blades ultimately work to scrape and cause irritation on your skin, an electric one is going to glide right over it. In fact, if you utilize the back of it, you may never have to even come in contact with the skin – depending on how close of a shave you want.

3. Different Options.

There are so many different options available that you should be able to find the one that fits your specific needs. If you are looking for an electric shaver that is going to be able to provide you with specific features or options such as the ability to man-scape, you are going to want to invest in an electric shaver because you are generally not going to find any extra features available on a manual razor. This Braun Series 9 review is worth watching.

Overall, there are plenty of benefits associated with using electric shavers. Whether you are dealing with sensitive skin or you are someone with special needs, you should find the benefits of using one plentiful.

Easy Recipe for Vegan Smoothies That Give You Nutrition and Energy

When you want to enjoy a wonderful vegan smoothie, there are a number of ingredients that you would need to keep in mind.

By shopping for some wonderful fruits and vegetables, you will be in a great position to pack plenty of nutrients inside of this smoothie which will give you energy and vitality to get you through the day and through your entire life.

To this end, read below and use these tips as you decide what you would like to put inside of your smoothie.

One tip before we start:

Make sure you have the right blender for making smoothies: Best Blender for Smoothies 2017

Plenty of berries

Various are some of the best types of food you can put inside of your body.

They give you a great deal of B vitamins and energy so that you are able to make it through your day with excellent brain function and to speed up your metabolism.

Some excellent types of berries to put inside of a fruit smoothie include blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.


Avocado is a wonderful food in that it not only gives you plenty of calories, but that it also provides you with hair, skin and nail health.

You will also be able to get plenty of energy from avocados and will be able to boost your body and lower bad cholesterol inside of your heart.


You need great leafy greens inside of your life, so be sure that you purchase some fresh and organic spinach to go with this smoothies.

Spinach smoothies are excellent sources of protein and vitamins in your body so make sure that you add nutritional value by sticking to spinach for your smoothies. If you want even more protein, then consider adding the top vegan protein powders as well.

If you use these three different types of food, you will be in a great position to boost your health and nutrition exponential.

Charlie Hunnam as King Arthur

I have a funny Charlie Hunnam story.

I needed a pair of sun glasses so I bought a pair of KDs. These are the sun glasses he wears in Sons of Anarchy. Well, they got a bit bent over time, and all my friends would joke that I was wearing kids sun glasses. It was pretty funny.

But Charlie’s not wearing any shades in this new movie which should be out in 2017.